Your Data Security Is Our Top Priority

At Personabo, we understand the importance of data protection. We take every measure possible to ensure your data is protected and safe.

Data Center Security

Personabo hosts all its software in Amazon Web Services (AWS) facilities in the United States. Amazon provides an extensive list of compliance and regulatory assurances, including SOC 1-3 and ISO 27001.

See Amazon's compliance and security documents for more detailed information. Personabo has its own virtual private cloud (VPC), protected by restricted security groups allowing only the minimal required communication between the servers.

Application Security

Web application architecture and implementation are built in Python with the Django framework and following MVC and REST Architectures . Personabo conducts application penetration testing at least annually in addition to Personabo's continued internal testing and review program.

Data Security

All connections to Personabo are encrypted using SSL, and any attempt to connect over HTTP is redirected to HTTPS. All customer data (including call recordings and transcripts) is encrypted at rest and in transit.

We rely on AWS infrastructure to securely maintain our cryptographic encryption keys. We use industry-standard AWS-managed PostgreSQL RDS and S3 for data storage.

Security Practices

Design of all new product functionality is reviewed for security impact. Personabo’s development and testing environments are separate from its production environment.

Earning and keeping the trust of our customers is our top priority. If you have discovered a security or privacy issue that you believe we should know about, we would be eager to hear from you.


If you have discovered a security or privacy issue that you believe we should know about, we would be eager to hear from you.  Please reach out to We have a policy of responding within 2 days for any security reports or concerns.